Mermaid Tattoo Pictures: Men And Women Ideas

Mermaid tattoos are typically pictured with multiple bright colors. From the long flowing hair to the beautiful scaled tail, there are many opportunities to brighten up the tattoo and add to the natural feminine appeal of the mermaid creature. Half woman and half fish, this imaginative fantasy figure has relevance for both women and men today. Not to mention sailors.

It is amazing how different mermaid tattoos can look, depending on who is wearing them. Most men are drawn to mermaids with a very sexual nature while women typically see them as signs of true beauty. These tattoo designs on a man will often feature bare breasts, seductive facial expressions, and long flowing hair with curls and waves. Mermaid tattoos designed for men are often in pin-up style with the mermaids depicting characters or cartoons rather than real women.

Tattoos on a woman will usually cover the breasts with the hair or with a bikini style top. The hair is still wild and passionate, but the facial features are often softer so the tattoo takes on the flavor of beauty and passion rather than a portrayal of lust. Women are also more likely to surround their mermaid tattoos with flowers, hearts and other images that work to beautify the image even more.

Of course, these are just general terms and are not necessarily followed by all men and women. For instance, British television star Fearne Cotton has a pin-up style mermaid tattoo on her back.

Mermaid Tattoo Pictures:
Sailors and fisherman who spend a lot of time on the water will naturally feel drawn to mermaid tattoos as well. There have been some historical accounts of sailors insisting they saw real mermaids, though it is believed that the creatures seen were delusions resulting from long periods of time away from women and the lack of sleep they endured.

There is just something enticing about mermaids for all people. Most of the mermaid tattoos created today are brightly colored and feature some element of water. The blend of the ocean reference and the seductive allure of femininity truly comes together in this one figure.

Picture of cute and colorful artwork with magic clam and sea life, located on the arm.

Photo of evil looking mermaid laying on stomach with flower in her hair. Design located on the lower back with black ink.

Picture of tremendously unique and stunning body art of two intertwined figures surrounded by both living and skeleton fish in a soft water current effect.

Image of classic portrayal. Stranded on small sandy island with palm tree. Long flowing blonde hair.

Cleaver design with girl in foreground bearing her back, and fisherman casting a line in the background.

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